Monday, October 20, 2008

"She Unnames Them"...You Want To Be Friends, But I Won't Do It

Worldview of "She Unnames Them": Postmodern

God and the Universe-
-"None were left now to uname, and yet how close I felt to them when I saw one of them swim or fly or trot or crawl across my way or over my skin, or stalk me in the night, or go along beside me for a while in the day"
-Eve has unnamed all of the creatures, she has ultimate power over God, she does not need Him.

Humanity and Identity-
-Eve is the superior of everything, including God.
-Although she does give her gift back.

Conflict and Suffering-
-"A couple problems did come up with pets."

- The names given to the pets were a problem because they did not fit.

Hope and Redemption-
-"That talk was getting us nowhere, but all the same I felt a little let down."
-Eve was hoping to talk to Adam and/or God about her problem.

Values and Relationship-
-"He was not paying much attention."
-Eves relationship with God and Adam are fading away because they will not listen.
-As do all relationships fade when there is no communication.

Truth and Reality-
-"This was more or less the effect I had been after.It was somewhat more powerful than I had anticipated, but I could not now, in all conscience, make an exception for myself."
-We can be our own god, we don't need God, just as postmodernism teaches.

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